Our church homes are located outside of Wiang Pa Pao, Thailand on our 6 acre campus. At this time, we have two homes with a total of 40 Thai hill tribe girls. The ages of our girls is 4-16. These are full-time residential homes that are cared for by our six full-time Karen tribe staff members. Three times per year (April, July and October), we bring SHI teams from the USA and Canada to join our staff to work with our girls. Since our ministry is raising only girls at this time, our internships are open to females only. If you are interested in joining us for one of our short term teams, or serve as an intern click here for more details and applications.
Trail To Life Camp Thailand – a Christian camp for orphans in Wiang Pa Pao, Thailand. If you would like to give a gift to help us build this camp, mark on your check, “camp”.
We have a 2, 3 acre campus near Battambang, Cambodia that has been developed with one children’s home. We house 8 marginalized Cambodian children and two staff there. This campus is also the home of Trail to Life Camp Cambodia, which is a neighborhood outreach camp that we hold each year to share Jesus Christ with children from the surrounding areas.
We have purchased land in Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil. Porto Velho is a thriving city of nearly 500,000 in the northwest corner of Brazil. There are many needs for the marginalized and at risk children living in that city. In 2017, our team will begin to research and develop our ministry there to the children of this city.
We occasionally provide funds for special projects with children in Pakistan though our partners in ministry there.
If you would like to join us on a short term mission trip or serve as an intern with Sending Hope, we will be hosting teams every year during the months of June, July, October and November. We have Internship opportunities for qualified individuals year-round. Check here for more details and applications.
Contact us at dcatkins@yahoo.com for more information.