Prayer Requests

Please join us in praying for:

Our 6 staff members and 40 hill tribe girls in Wiang Pa Pao, Thailand. Pray for wisdom, guidance, safety, health and spiritual growth.  Pray that our girls will study hard as they prepare for adult life in Thailand.

Our Brazilian Research and Development Team as we do our homework before launching our work in Porto Velho, Rondonia.  Pray for guidance, wisdom and a ministry plan that would reach many children in that city.

Continued health for our Executive Director, Dr. David Atkins, who has had 3 major heart surgeries in the past several years.

Continued wisdom for our Executive Board of Directors, our Sending Hope Cabinet, our support staff and our Country Directors.

Continued blessings for of our child sponsors, supporting churches, donors and team members so that we can continue to serve these children.

More sponsors, supporting churches and team members to minister to these and more children who need help.

Dr. Atkins as he mentors several young leaders who have expressed interest in becoming involved in our ministry.

Our interns that they would adapt well to Thai culture, food and weather. Pray that they stay healthy and that God uses them in a profound way to impact our girls in Thailand.

Our building projects in Thailand that God will provide the funds we need to complete them.

Our girls as they enter high school as we guide them into healthy life and career paths.

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